Friday, December 17, 2004

Working Sample Now Available

I finally was able to get my current sample available for download. You can view it here...

Now this link is an ASP page that takes the generic "xul.xul" file and adds the client-side XSLT reference used by IE to render the contents as XUL.

One thing I was not able to do was get this completely working on Firefox (which seems a bit ironic eh?). It seems as soon as I bind elements to an XBL through CSS, those element disappear from the screen. Does anybody have any pointers to explain this behavior? The important thing I guess is that it is beginning to work in IE, which after all is the reason for this blog.

Here is a list of the files in the directory and what they do...

binding.css - handles the binding of the textbox elements to the xul.xbl
xbl.xsl - an XSLT file used internally by the to render the XBL file as IE script
xul.asp - a server side component that just adds the client-side XSLT reference for browsers with a user agent containing "MSIE"
xul.css - a cascading stylesheet containing styles used for rendering XUL in IE. This is the basic theme.
xul.js - a basic JavaScript file that repurposes the binding CSS to be used by the new IE HTML elements created by the xul.xsl file.
xul.xbl - a sample XBL used for testing various XBL structures.
xul.xsl - an XSLT file used to transform XUL into basic HTML tags that IE can understand.
xul.xul - the main XUL definition which creates the page layout.

Please note that this is no where near complete. For instance, the transformation only accounts for very basic XUL elements, and not even all of those! There is much work to be done obviously. Let me know if you would be interested in particpating...


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